Presence over Time
Workshop with Anna Berndtson
PAS invites performance artist Anna Berndtson to Tou for a live performance and workshop. Berndtson has, amongst others, studied and worked with the renowned performance artist Marina Abramovic on re-performance and exhibited at MOMA, Louisiana and Henie Onstad.
In the workshop "Presence over time", Berndtson will lead the participants through a series of exercises that she herself benefits from in her work with performance art, especially when working with long durational performance. A practice she has focused on for over 20 years. Through her multidisciplinary practice from the fields of visual and performing arts, she has gathered and created exercises that relate to presence, time and space. The participants will also get the chance to visit some exercises from Abramovics workshop "Cleaning the House", which the artist herself has participated in.
Participating in a workshop this autumn day in September is a unique chance to broaden your horizons, acquire new work tools and maybe most important; learn directly from the artist herself.
Participation is by advance registration at Tous webpage as there are limited places for 12 people.
Participants are asked to bring a sleeping mask and other small objects that they can use during the workshop. Registered participants will be sent information in advance.
More about Anna Berndtson here.

PAS inviterte performance kunstneren Anna Berndtson til Tou for live performance og workshop. Berndtson har blant annet studert under og arbeidet med den profilerte kunstneren Marina Abramovic ved re-performance og stilt ut ved MOMA, Louisiana og Henie Onstad.
I workshopen “Tilstedeværelse over Tid” ledet Berndtson deltakerne gjennom en rekke øvelser hun selv drar nytte av i arbeidet med performancekunst og da spesielt langvarige forløp. En praksis hun har fokusert på i over 20 år. Gjennom hennes multidisiplinære praksis fra det visuelle kunstfeltet har hun skapt arbeids øvelser som relaterer til nærvær, tid og rom. Det ble også tatt i bruk øvelser fra Abramovics workshop “Cleaning the House”, som kunstneren selv har erfart og gjennomført.
Mer om Anna Berndtson her.